May 26, 2023

The best investment I've ever made!

In this podcast, financial coach Craig Wear and fitness expert Chuck Kastor discuss their program on helping people achieve their fitness and financial goals. They discuss how people tend to yo-yo in their fitness progress and how their program can help them become more resilient and successful. They also emphasize the importance of accountability and taking action towards one's goals. They encourage listeners to check out their website to learn more about their program and how it can help them achieve their goals.

Visit Chuck's website here.

Watch the video version here.



Craig Wear
You well. Hey, gang, it's Craig Wear. Welcome back to the podcast. Glad you're back for what is going to be an incredible episode. It's going to be way out of left field for you, but we're going to have fun. You're going to get to meet some really cool guys and we're going to talk about some serious stuff here. I mean, it's going to get really fast, so hang on. But I hope if you'll just hang on for the next however long this podcast is going to be, I think you're going to have an opportunity to have a huge impact in some areas of your life that you maybe don't expect a financial guy to talk to you about. Look, financial success is hard. I mean, let's just face it. You work, you earn, you save, you win, you lose, and you learn. And if you're a winner, you persevere.


Craig Wear
But it can be complicated, especially if you want to keep up with everything that you think you need to, right? Failure is also hard, guys. Man, dealing with financial setback is tough. I've been there. Not just three or four years ago, man, I thought, I'd retired. I sold a business and started a new company and thought I was going to be able to add incredible value to an industry, man, it stunk, I don't mind telling you. Two and a half million dollars went down the toilet really quick and it hurt. So dealing with financial setback is also tough. You got the emotion of it. You got the anxiety, you got depression, you got embarrassment. You got the stock market in your portfolio maybe is up and down. Maybe you got a financial advisor or somebody who absconded with money. I mean, crap happens. Failing is tough, but somehow you find a way to come back, right?


Craig Wear
You fight your way back to where you want to be. So to succeed, though, you got to invest time and money. And maybe it's education you need or professionals you got to hire to maybe help fill the gaps of what you maybe don't know or know how to do. Sometimes that investment is education. Sometimes it's a commission you have to pay. Sometimes it's a recurring fee for a service, or like our service in what we do with Roth Conversion work. It's just a flat fee to get a project done. But if you invest those resources to help you succeed and you do it wisely, then if you're listening to this podcast, you're of a certain age that you've been around long enough that in time those things pay off. But you had to invest the time, you had to trust in what you were doing, and you had to have the resources available to you to be able to succeed.


Craig Wear
Hopefully, you live long enough and a healthy enough life to enjoy the fruits of a lifetime of labor, a lifetime of struggle, of successes and failures. So look, today I'm going to share with you one of the best investments I've ever made. I've been a financial advisor for 38 years. I've seen a lot of stuff. I put money places that's done well. I put places that's done really bad, like some of you guys. But look what I've done and what I'm going to introduce you today. I've already gotten a huge payoff in big ways, and it promises to give me dividends for years and years and years. So last October, I realized that I developed some really bad habits. I didn't realize it, but, man, at the time, I was out of control. I wasn't sleeping well. I felt like I needed a nap every afternoon.


Craig Wear
It was like 03:00. I was like, oh, my gosh, I just need to close my eyes for 15 minutes. Anybody out there relate? I love to go on a run a few times a week, but those runs were becoming more frustrating than they were enjoyable. My weight was almost as high as it had ever been. It had been higher and then down and then up again and then down and then back up. I was at 205 pounds. I'm 6ft tall. My clothes were tight again. I'd thrown away all the 32 inch sized pants because that was, like, never going to happen again. Right? And I really didn't like what I saw in the mirror when I got out of the shower in the morning. The crazy part, they got family health, history of tremendous heart problems. My grandfather on my mother's side died at 50 years old of a massive heart attack.


Craig Wear
My dad is one of four brothers. All three of them had died because of heart problems. My own dad had a quadruple. He had a pacemaker, and he'd lived a life of obesity. My mother is overweight diabetes, 19 back surgeries over her lifetime. I had no business being overweight and being unhealthy. Poor health is a really difficult thing to live with. It's hard. Many of you deal with a lot more serious problems than what I'm talking about. My little minor health inconveniences maybe look like a cakewalk compared to what you're living with. But enjoying a good health is also hard, and I know what that's like, too hard. Choices of foods, what drinks, exercise is certainly not convenient until you're each a point that you're sick and tired of being sick and tired. Last November. That's where I came to. I saw an ad on Facebook.


Craig Wear
I clicked it like many of you did on my ads when we first got to know each other, and it resulted in meeting two men that have helped me totally change my life in the direction of my health. Turned out to be the absolute best investment I've ever made. So I'd like to welcome both of them to this episode, and I hope and I pray that you'll listen to our stories. But I want you to listen with you at the center of it, because you can do the exact same thing. So first I got Chuck Caster. He goes by Chuck. His mama called him Charles. He's of Chuck, welcome to the program. Thank you so much for joining in.


Charles Kastor
Thanks, Greg.


Craig Wear
Good to be here. I got Matt Hammond. Matt Hammond is a fitness coach, life coach, and I'm proud to say, with a tear in my eye, my coach, he's the guy that I got to have accountability with, and we talked with a ton. So, Matt, thank you from my heart for what you've done to help and for being part of the program today.


Matt Hammond
Thank you very much, Greg. I appreciate it.


Craig Wear
All right. I got friends of mine, Chuck. They're asking me, okay, so what's this diet you're on? Right? And I'm like saying, no, I'm not really on a diet. Matt told me, eat whatever I want to eat, enjoy myself. So what's that all about, Chuck?


Charles Kastor
Well, everybody seems to come into this whole thought process of wanting to get back in shape, if it's even possible, because most people don't think it's possible. They really don't. I mean, I'm 62. Matt's 64. We're all in that category. You're 63 when I first met you. I'm not sure where you're at.


Craig Wear
I'm still there. I'm not as old as Matt.


Charles Kastor
We're all in that same category. So we all have these preconceived thoughts of what we think fitness is or what it's going to require to go from point A to point B to Z, and it's all wrong. And so what you just mentioned, when you can eat whatever you want, you hear these kind of things, and people are like, Get out of here. They're trying to sell you something. And really, to tell you the truth, people don't understand the seriousness of what we're talking about, because most people do an event to hit a goal. We don't want events. There's more events around what we do here. We want a lifestyle change that's very reasonable, something that people can do at the age bracket. We have 85 year old clients. We're young bucks compared to those guys. Those guys have two decades on us, and they come in and they do well in the program.


Charles Kastor
So I think the whole premise is that there's not many people that really have real, accurate understanding about how their body functions. We very strongly I got no problem telling you we do it based on Scripture. How did God design these amazing vessels? What did he do when he created these vessels? And I don't know that many people look at it from that standpoint. We truly do. And he designed a vessel that's resilient, that's amazing, that will heal itself. That is something that can be corrected. And it's not as hard as what people think it is, because whenever we say yes to him, usually there's a lot of fringe benefits that come with it. And so that's a little bit of a difference of kind of where we're coming from in this program.


Craig Wear
So, Matt, you've been a part of the fitness industry for a long time. You were competitive power lifter. As I remember. You told me a story once about kind of your first experience with Chuck and him giving you all this voodoo that you just knew wouldn't work, share with people kind of where you were at that time and kind of what's happened with you. And I don't have it on me, but this may be a little embarrassing for both of us, but I send my kids, my sons, 28 and 31 years old. The 31 years old is in great shape. The 28 year old needs some improvement. But I send them pictures, and I'm like pictures that you do in your advertising where you got your shirt off and the dude's got an eight pack. I mean, his arms are huge and everything. I send these pictures, my kids, I'm like, Boys, I'm going to go on a date with this guy.


Craig Wear
He looks too good, man. So tell me about that first experience with Chuck and kind of what your thought process was compared to everything you had heard your whole career before then.


Matt Hammond
Craig it's really interesting because when you first got this thing started, you talked about being sick and tired of being sick and tired, and that's where I was at, literally. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. My oldest daughter, who introduced me to Chuck, came up to me at a family event. It was actually my birthday, and were having all the kids and the grandkids there. And she came up and she sat down beside me and she said, dad, you're getting fat. She was right. I was. And I kept recycling this same 1520 pounds that I just couldn't seem to do anything about it. My health was deteriorating. They wanted to put me on statins. They were concerned about my blood pressure. They had already scheduled me to test me for type two diabetes. And then Amy reached out to me and she said, dad, I want you to call this guy.


Matt Hammond
And I said, well, who is he? What does he do? And she told me, and I remember very specifically saying, sweetheart, I've been doing this for 40 years. I don't need somebody to tell me how to do this. I know what to do. All I got to do is have the right discipline and the right fortitude to do what I know I need to do. And she said, dad, just call your kids, ask you to do something. Okay, fine, I'll call them. When Chuck and I got together and we kind of began to run through, he started asking me questions and Craig, it didn't bother me that I didn't know the answers to the questions he was asking me, because if there's one thing I've learned at my age right now, there's a lot of things I don't know. But what really struck me was I had never even heard the questions before, and I've coached a ton of people through workouts and fitness and doing everything else, and he turned everything that I'd ever learned 180 degrees upside down.


Matt Hammond
And so when he asked me, he says, matt, are you willing to be teachable and leadable and coachable? I found myself saying yes. As much as I did not want to spend the money. I did not want to spend the time, and I really didn't want to listen to this guy that's been seven years ago. And I've maintained my weight within two to three pounds of what my low was when I got done with the program.


Craig Wear
And you lost was it 100 pounds? Was it like, 100 pounds you lost.


Matt Hammond
Actually, from my high of 3435 down to 190.


Craig Wear


Matt Hammond
And I'm here to tell you right now, Craig, and I mean this, and I know you know that I mean this had I not made that decision, I wouldn't be here today. Yeah, I got ten beautiful grandkids. Well, nine one on the way. I wouldn't see them. I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be with my absolutely my best friend, who is my wife, who's sitting right there. I absolutely would not be here. And isn't it funny how we get in our own head and we tell ourselves these stories, and sometimes it takes somebody else kind of straighten us out?


Craig Wear
Yeah, for sure. And just to finish up on my story and then, Chuck, I'd like to hit you up on something. A couple of weeks before I met Chuck, I hopped on the scale, and I was at 205. That's not huge, but that was enough for me. I was a 36 inch waist headed toward really quickly to a 38 inch waist. And in the six months that I worked with Matt, that I just kind of graduated from that, I was 165. My body fat was 20% of my entire weight when I met Chuck and Matt. And I'm here to tell you that I'm barely under 14% today. And we're headed even lower. Right. My energy is up. I'm stronger. I don't need naps anymore. I eat whatever the heck I want to eat. I just don't eat as much as what I used to eat, and I eat more of the right kinds of things.


Craig Wear
And I've never been on a diet. And I wish I hadn't thrown away all those size 32 inch pants, because, man, I'm back in a 32 inch pant, right. So I'm readdressing the wardrobe, right? But I still have more that I want to do, and I still want to keep working with Matt to get some of those things accomplished. I would only imagine that a lot of the people that are listening in have done the yoyo thing like Matt said he did, and you exposed to me that I did you're pretty right in the middle in these initial conversations with potential clients. You don't fool around with this stuff. So why do people you? Why have I lost 40 pounds before and gain it back? And lose 20 and gain it back plus some, and then lose it again? Why do people do that? What causes that?


Charles Kastor
Great question. And I would think it's misinformation. And the fitness industry, which we're part of, so I admit we're in the fitness industry, but the fitness industry is not always, if ever, correct about what they're selling to you. And we're all selling something. I mean, there's nothing hidden about that. But when you're selling a very specific way to get to a very specific goal, it can maybe taint your viewpoint about being straightforward with people. And I think most people don't truly understand the nature of how God designed our bodies. And to be honest with you, everybody in our program is doing something a little bit different because what you find restrictive, maybe I don't, and what I find restrictive, maybe you don't. So how can the whole world do the same program? That's the first problem. And then there's the science behind it. People do not understand truly, the science of how their bodies why they're carrying fat and why they're not carrying fat.


Charles Kastor
And we educate our clients on that. And if you'd like me to give a little brief rundown for your clients because I believe in giving value to people, I think people should walk like, okay, that was not just something. I learned something. And I always try to lead people a little bit better than I found them. And I think there's four areas that God designed our bodies to operate under, which is something that is most people don't understand it. They just don't. And it's the key and it's the foundation of what we do in this program in a very brief sense. There's four buckets. There's your basal metabolic rate. People don't understand what that is in a real simple way. That is, you sitting in a lawn chair for 24 hours. And how many calories do you burn sitting in the lawn chair for 24 hours?


Charles Kastor
All right? Currently, most people are the Tesla. They're running like a very efficient vehicle, all right? And everybody thinks efficiency is good. Not in this case, not in your body. You want to be a really bad gas mileage car sitting in the launch here. So we help people to convert from being a Tesla to a Ferrari. So as you're sitting on this podcast, you are definitely burning calories differently than you were six months ago, craig and that's a key indicator. And that basal metabolic rate is about 60% of the equation. It's a big equation. All right, second bucket that God designed our bodies to operate under is something that's called neat. Neat, non exercise activity. Thermogenesis real fancy name for my random movements in a 24 hours period. I'm talking to you. I'm moving, scratching my head. I go shopping to Costco with my wife.


Charles Kastor
I park the car, I walk in and I walk around Costco. These are all things we do over the course of a 24 hours period. It's a massive, massive number. And most people don't realize that their bodies don't like them being in a caloric deficit. And your body does not like it when you start losing weight. So people don't understand. God designed our bodies to actually preserve life and all the good things that were happening to you when you came in this program, Craig, your body was sitting there going, no, we do not want Craig doing this. Something's wrong with Craig. Your body's thinking with a caloric deficit slight that you don't even notice. And with you starting to lose weight, your body gets triggered and your body goes into mode where it starts metabolically reducing your metabolism to save energy, just in case next week you're still stuck in the desert.


Charles Kastor
This is what your body people plateau, which everybody does. They don't understand that their body's working against them. We don't let that happen in this program. We teach on it. We make sure that you're going to lose 1.5 to two pounds a week in, week out. Third thing, pal physical activity level. What does the fitness industry sell? Bucket number three, pal, which is the gym, the kettlebells, the swimming, the cycling, the Pilates, yoga, all the stuff that we buy. And this is a problem because this is not a fat stripping place to be. We are all in a fast drip phase when we're trying to get our body fat down, all right? And most people are in the gym. We'll call it the gym for the wrong reasons. They're there to strip fat. Really? What is the gym for? Your insulin sensitivity. It'll help your metabolism.


Charles Kastor
It can help strengthen flexibility, which are key things. When you got some 60 year old dudes sitting here, we need to be doing that. But we're not stripping fat. Gym and the fitness industry is selling it as a solution to strip fat. And the fourth bucket? Stomach effective food. Not going to get into it deep, but it's the macronutrients. Everybody's trying to sell people macronutrients, protein, carbs, fats. And it's the Keto diet, the carnivore diet, the Paleo diet, the Atkins diet, all these diets fall, which is what the big push is to sell somebody. And it is not where the magic happens. The magic happens where you lose 1.5 to two pounds a week and you don't even notice it. You're almost like wondering, should I spend the money on that program? This is easier than I thought it would be. Rather than ever have carbs, or I can never have a piece of pizza, or I can never have a hamburger bun on my hamburgers.


Charles Kastor
Like, come on. Or I can never have a drink again. I mean, that's not a tea totaler. I'm not a teetotaler. And so all of these lifestyle things are things that we need to have included as we drop 1.5 to two pounds. And if you can include these things, then when you hit your goal, it's going to be a lot easier to maintain it because we did not disrupt your lifestyle massively. And that's the key. It's not an event, like I said. And so to me, I think that's value most people don't know what I just said there, and I'm talking I have certified nutritionists with master's degrees in this program. They don't know that I got doctors, physicians. They don't know that I have got professional athletes. And nobody knows this science. So therefore, there's a lot of misinformation out there. And people are selling bucket three and bucket four as a solution.


Charles Kastor
Why there's a temporary result. There's a temporary result somebody gets and then they lose the result because it wasn't the right place to focus. And then they come back to the fitness industry and they pay them again. And it's called the residual money. It's the prescription drug that's symptomatic. And we're not about symptom. We are about eradicating the problem. And the bigger mission is to help people become fitness patriarchs for their family. And with your crew here, that all is listening to you. They understand the financial patriarch in which we all get. But I was a lousy fitness patriarch in my forty s. I was fat for 13 years, living in bucket three and four and having shorter term results and wondering, what's wrong with me? What's wrong with me? And so this is I think there's a Rothology to the way the fitness industry deals with things.


Charles Kastor
And this is the key essence. So what I just conveyed, there very valuable information and I like to let people know that. People don't know that.


Craig Wear
Yeah, well, you went through those first four things with me on our first call and I actually wrote those down. And it was only just a week ago that I threw those notes away because I kept going back to them over and over and finally I was like, okay, I got this. I don't need to keep these anymore. I've lived it. Right? But Chuck, you and I share a love of sweets, right? And hearing your story and you talking about you love a great cupcake or cookie or whatever it is that you do, man, I do too. And one of the things that Matt had me doing was taking pictures of everything that was going in my mouth, which is an incredible accountability measure, right? Unless I forgot I didn't cheat. There were times I forgot to take a picture. I'd get three. It was like, oh crap, I forgot to take a picture.


Craig Wear
But think about how many bowls of ice cream that I send you and how many blueberry cookies did I send you pictures of, right. And what I got back from Matt was, way to go, man. You did the work. Enjoy it. Right? So, Matt, how many people who start the program finish it? Well, of 100 people that will start this program that Chuck's developed and you help implement, you work with, what kind of success rate do you have? How often do we actually finish and do what we said were going to do?


Matt Hammond
Craig, that's a great question. And I would have to say out of 100 people, 99, literally, I believe that I don't see many people not there may be the first couple of three or four weeks, they're like, I don't know about this. And then they start having success. And then what Chuck just got through saying is massively important. Wow, this is not as hard as I thought it was going to be. I don't even realize these guys are in my life, and I'm just making successive I'll give you a good example. I was tainted because of what I did in the past, of what my history was and what my life was. And Chuck is telling me to do these things. And I remember telling Chuck, I said, Chuck, I believe that's the biggest bunch of BS I've ever heard in my life. And he told me, he said, Matt, I get it.


Matt Hammond
I totally get it. You don't have a reference point to take this information from. Now, I'm four and a half months into the program. I'm a gym rat. Always have been, always will be. But I came home from the gym, I'm getting undressed, I'm in the bedroom getting ready to get in the shower, and Debbie walks in and she looks at me and she says, dude, you got ABS. I haven't seen them since I was a junior in high school. Now, at this point, I'm telling you, Craig, and I don't mean to be crude, but if Chuck told me to eat dog poop, I'd eat dog poop. I'm going to do whatever it is he's telling me to do, because it works. And that's the crazy thing. And you're talking about the blueberries and the cupcake or the bowl of ice cream. We have to be able to enjoy life.


Matt Hammond
We have to. Chuck talks about we're not perfect. Every Wednesday night, I have a medium pepperoni pizza. Every Wednesday night. I love pizza. I'm a pizza connoisseur, right?


Craig Wear


Matt Hammond
But I still maintain that weight. How? Because I know how my body works.


Craig Wear
Yeah, well, I met you right before Thanksgiving, right? And you gave me some tips on how to deal with Thanksgiving and Christmas with absolutely no guilt. And, man, I walked to the cookie bar at Christmas like a kid with his eyes a big assaucer ready to indulge. And I did. But because you prepared me for it. And to me, one of the greatest parts of what you guys teach and what you live is kind of like in my own spiritual life. I grew up in a denomination that could be fairly legalistic in the way they view our relationship with God and the things that we're supposed to do and not do. And I think a lot of people view dieting that way. It's like, oh, crap, why would I ever want to go on a diet and suffer through that pain? But you make it so easy.


Craig Wear
Literally. It's a lifestyle change that you allow yourself to indulge and to enjoy and to just be a part of the things that are important to you but within healthy parameters instead of the parameters that cause you to gain the weight or to have the heart problems or to have the health problems or to be on 27 different medications. I walk around now and I look in the different public places that I go, and it is I'll use the word sickening, how obese America is and how many drugs are being used as the answer to the problems, when really, Matt, you were either on or about to be on statins. They were about to do all these other things. How's your health now in all that way? Are you taking 27 medications and seeing the doctor every three months? Because they're monitoring you real closely now.


Matt Hammond
Chuck, do I go ahead and say it?


Charles Kastor
Of course.


Matt Hammond
So I do a scan about once a year, and the scan gives your we always have a birthday. Everybody has a birthday, right? The day were born. And so we have a chronological age, but we also all have a metabolic age, the age of my body, my internal organs, the way I move, everything within my body. And when I started on this, my metabolic age was about the same as my birthday. My last scan that I had done six months ago. And this is going to be hard for people to believe, but I swear it is correct. My metabolic age has gone from 64 to twelve.


Charles Kastor
I always ask me if that's the mental age or is this metabolic?


Craig Wear
Well, we know the answer to that, Chuck. We already know the answer to that.


Matt Hammond
But my point is that what Chuck is talking about and this biblical principle, our bodies are designed to last a very long time. The problem is we treat our bodies very badly. We're not talking about perfection, we're not talking about being perfect, because we can't be perfect. We're not machines. But can I improve my body and my metabolic age to live a very long time? Yes, we can. Crazy part is your call, your choice, right? We get to make a decision. I'm so glad I did. I don't know a better way to put it.


Craig Wear
Yeah, well, I ask you guys to be on this. Podcast because I'm grateful that you share your talents and your skills with people like me, because I'm really glad that I clicked on this stupid Facebook ad that had some old dude with rock solid ABS and huge arms and shoulders on it that I just like. There's two guys I would actually date in life. One is Tom Sellick, and the other is Matt Hammond. Seriously. But anyway, all I can do is say thank you guys for the role that you played in my life and Matt especially because you and I have been kind of connected at the hip. But had it not been for Chuck getting out and taking the risk as an entrepreneur and being the town crier, telling the story over and over for people to listen, both of us wouldn't have enjoyed the life that we're doing now.


Craig Wear
All I can say to you if you're listening to the podcast, is there's really nothing special about Matt or Craig. There's probably more special about Matt than there is about Craig. And the more you get to know me and listen to these podcasts, you realize that I'm not the sharpest tack in the box. In every area, there's a couple of things I really do well, and that we help our clients, and there are things in my personal life and with my family I do really well. Other things you don't need to listen to me about. There's things that Chuck does really well, and there's stuff that Matt does really well. So if you're at a place in your life where you're kind of sick and tired of being sick and tired, if you're on more medications than what you wish that you were on, or if you see that you're headed down the type two diabetes route I had a very stark awakening in my life.


Craig Wear
My dad passed a year and a half ago from complications that come from just dementia that he had, and dementia. Alzheimer is sometimes referred to as the type three diabetes type of thing. And he was obese his whole life, enjoyed life, enjoyed eating. He'd eat a dozen hot dogs at a time. He'd eat a 20 inch steak and follow it up with a hamburger a few hours later and just all the garbage and stuff. And at the end of his life, he paid a price. And it was hard. It was hard for his whole family. It was hard for us to watch him disappear in the way that he did, and we watched his brothers do the same thing. So that's hard. This what I did with you guys is a piece of cake. No pun intended. There's nothing to it. But if you're listening to this and it's time for you to make a quality decision, I got nothing to gain on this other than to know that maybe I helped another human being take control of their life and to get something better for them as well, I want you to live a long time.


Craig Wear
You got the money, you got the resources, or you wouldn't be listening to podcast. Now, our goal, the three of us, we want you to live, be really healthy, and then die instead of decay. Go in the hospital, hit a nursing home, have assisted living, go into hospice, because that's hard, too. So, Chuck, Matt, thank you guys for being willing to take this little bit of time and just kind of share your story. I'd like people to be able to connect with you. Chuck, it all starts with they got to take the first step, and then Chuck will connect you with Matt or somebody like that on his team. So, Chuck, tell them how they can get a hold of you, man. Tell them. What do they do to get a hold of you? And we'll put whatever links down in the show notes on this also.


Craig Wear


Charles Kastor
And you made a comment that you have a sweet tooth. For my 21st birthday, I got 21 boxes of ho. Host you're a good kind. You want the word foil, not the white wrappers. That's the extent of my and I still continues to this day having an issue with sweet tooth. So just to let you know and you know what? Chuck didn't develop anything. This is all God based principles that people just don't know even exists. And it's sad. And the whole world thinks that, I know what to do. I just need to do it. I need to have more discipline. I need to have more accountability, like you referenced. And it's the saddest statement that's a lot, because, in fact, I would challenge you that you don't know what to do, and it's okay. I have five coaches in five areas. I still don't know the right questions to ask.


Charles Kastor
I'm not an expert in every area. There's things I don't know about. But you know what? I also will spend the time and money to go seek and not for those areas, because this old dog is not learning some new tricks. And I do want to get around that 90 degree turn quicker than what I can do by beating my head against the wall sometimes. So I just wanted to make that statement because I hear it all the time from people. So the best way to take a look and maybe research us is there's a YouTube channel. It's called Charles Caster. It's K-A-S-T-O-R. So it's like Caster oil with a K and an O, not a C. All right, so it's K-A-S-T-O-R. Charles Caster. And then there's a website I have. It's called It's all one word. And there's a link on there if you want to book a call.


Charles Kastor
And if you want to do that, great. We can find out what your goals are, give you a little bit more in detail. About what we do to see if it resonates with you, and then we could book a longer call if that's something you want to do. So that would be the best way to reach out to us, Craig. And thank you for having us on here. I appreciate your transparency, appreciate you as a client. My question is, what does your wife think? What does Pam think after 40 years of what you've done? What does she think?


Craig Wear
She's also lost 20 pounds. She's been right there with me all the way around. My 31 year old son, who loves to work out, he saw my before and after pictures and he sent me a text and he said, I can't have my old man looking better than me. He said, I'm going down to 12% body fat. And my response back was, I'll raise you.


Charles Kastor
What you just said is the reason for the program. We just talked about being a fitness patriarch. Nobody cares what's coming out of your mouth, man. They're looking at what you're doing, what your actions are. So not only are you a financial patriarch, but the fitness aspect is so cool. And we hear all the time that spouses follow the lead of their husband, and they never pay me a d*** diet. They're always gone and they get a result, which is the intent of the program, so that you can help to eradicate the issues and actually have clear thinking about what true fitness is for your family and the next generations. And the next generations. That's the bigger picture here. So I just thank you for saying yes, Greg, and it's been a pleasure getting to know you and having music on it. We appreciate you.


Craig Wear
Yeah, well, thank you guys, too. And Matt. Thank you, buddy. It's been great. And I'm looking forward to you helping me with the next phase and the goals that we've got set up that will make that happen also. And Chuck, to answer your specific question, my wife has seen the picture of what I want to look like. And so when I tell her what my new measurements were, I tell her my weight is, she's just like, okay, keep going. All right, thank you, guys. I appreciate you being here and to your health and to your continued success, both of you.


Charles Kastor
It's great. Can I say one more thing? Just and I just want to thank Matt for what he does, because Matt, there's divine appointments in our life sometimes, and I got to say that was a divine appointment he and I had many years ago. And not so much for Matt. Matt talks about what his result was and that he's going to be around longer and that he's got a mental age of twelve. But as far as that goes, it's been such a blessing. And if you looked at all of the orchestration of what had to happen for Matt to be in place to run the entire coaching department. I just want to thank him because it was a blessing. And, Matt, I love you, brother, and I just wanted to say that.


Matt Hammond
Thank you. I appreciate that. Love you too. And, Craig, I have come to know and love you as well, and I think it's awesome when you get to work with people that you just deeply care for. And what a blessing it has been for me to get to do what I do. And there's one thing that drives me. You talked about your dad. I watched my dad put on weight. Put on weight. Put on weight. Put on weight. He finally got type two diabetes. He finally wound up getting a sore. It got septic, and it killed him. And the thing that still haunts me to this day is I couldn't help him. Had I known then what I know now, I very well could have saved his life. I just took my 90 year old mother to lunch on Sunday, and she's in the best shape of her life.


Matt Hammond
Had I known then what I know now, what quite possibly could have saved his life, I'm driven to do this because I want to make changes in people's lives and their legacy they leave behind. So I appreciate the opportunity, Chuck, but I appreciate this time as well. Craig, thank you very much.


Craig Wear
You bet. Well, thanks again, guys, and we'll just keep on keeping on. So for those of you listening in, I hope you get off your b*** and you go to the book, the Dang Call. Six months from now, you'd be a new you, and you'll feel fantastic. It'll be great stuff. All right, that's it till next time. And I have no idea what we're doing next week, but we'll bring on some more great info to you. We'll get back to money before too long, but, man, this stuff matters too. Take care. God bless.